Thông tin ứng viên

Nguyễn Văn Tùng

Giới tính: Nam - Chưa kết hôn
Hải Phòng - Sinh ngày: 15/07/1986
 Lượt xem: 369    Cập nhật ngày: 30/08/2024
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 Thông Tin Liên Hệ

 Thông Tin Chung

QA/QC Team Leader/Manager

Đại học

Trên 5 năm

QA- QC, thẩm định, giám định
Main responsibility as below:
+ Make working instruction, jig instruction and train operator.
+ Design IQC quality record forms.
+ Make sure the product is meeting the level of quality demanded by the customer. Investigate the roots cause if quality has trouble and take countermeasure.
+ Feedback defect to Supplier, Maker for improvement (issue C.A.R…). Receive improvement action from Vendor judgment and monitor effective of their improvement action
+ Control 4M to ensure output and quality.
+ Drive Supplier/Maker to ensure quality for incoming parts
+ Drive Production to ensure quality for outgoing products.
+ Improve skill for operator and productivity of IQC/OQC
+ Control line return parts to have corrective action
+ Control return Product from Headquarters in Japan & Customers
to have suitable countermeasure to avoid the defect for next Production Lot
& send countermeasure to them on due date
+ Make check sheet to observe execution of countermeasure which given out
+ Make instruction manual.
+ Make and monitor Quality/Environment Objective and Policy by monthly,
+ Make monthly reports
+ Make failure report to Supplier, Maker, to Production to improve quality matter
+ Train Operator regularly once every 2 weeks about QC skill
+ Control man-power.
+ Make Schedule for 5S Activities, Do & Check, then hold the meeting to review
+ Monitor production progress and adjust production planning.
+ Analysis production data: productivity, reject product, unbalance of processes.
+ Implement and monitor production system following PDCA procedure.
+ Responsible for improvement continuously about productivity and quality
+ KPI set up
+ Make test plan for OQC division
+ Control QC test items
+ Control Quality of Vendors,
+ Make quality report about material
+ Injection Parts quality control
+ Feedback and control quality of parts in process
+ Make 8D report when having quality trouble, tracking effectiveness of
+ Control 3 worst parts, 3 worst suppliers
+ Dealing with urgent materials, arrange manpower for sorting
+ Confirm NG part status
+ Coordinate with supplier to investigate the defect
+ Control KPI, ISO document, maintenance QMS, issue SOP, check sheet, form, procedure, QC flowchart, WI
+ Make recruitment plan, training/coaching/OJT plan, test and give certificate
+ Make plan for skill up of staff
+ Make Master sample list for IQC, OQC and control
+ Make test plan for QC division
+ Using 3R-5S-VM, 7 Waste removal, PDCA, SDCA, 4M for management,
+ Execute FPA test and report
+ CTQ, CTQ-S, CTF control
+ Using SPC, 7 QC tools for quality control
+ Pareto chart (80/20 principle) is used to improve quality issues
+ Issue MRB/PRB for arguing case about quality
+ Make plan for executing of FI-11 (Factory Innovation-11 factors)
+ Dealing with customer audit, plan for internal audit, 5S checks
+ CPk control,
+ NCR (CAR/SCAR tracking), 5M1E, 5Why technique for investigation cause of
+ ISO TS16949, 5 core tools application
+ QC manpower control and arrange, Employee Skill Matrix is used.
+ Good Awareness about Poka Yoke (Fool proofing/Error Proofing system),
Push-Pull manufacturing system, Leadership skill, JIT, Kaizen/ CQI, Kanban, Lean, QCC, TPM, TQM, ZQC, SMED-Single Minute Exchange of Die/QCO-Quick Change Over/ RCO- Rapid Change Overs, Cycle time/Takt time/UPH/UPPH/UPEH, COQ, COPQ, Jidoka, LOB, …
+ Hold the quality meeting (weekly, monthly), hold short meeting with production
team daily
+ BOM check status and upload data into HSMS, control RoHS by XRF machine
+ Control ICP, MSDS
+ Make plan basing on S.M.A.R.T principle
+ Execute T.Q.R.D.C.E basing on Customer’s audit contents
+ HOU-REN-SOU obey and training for staff awareness
+ Control PPM/DPPM to satisfy customer expectation (6 sigma)

Haengsung Electronics Vietnam
(từ 10/2015 đến 11/2017)

Trưởng phòng

Trưởng phòng

Hải Phòng

QA- QC, thẩm định, giám định

25-30 triệu

ISO 9001,14001,TS16949
SPC, 6 Sigma
Trainning,skill up for staff
Establish,Manage QMS/EMS
7 QC Tools
5S, Kaizen
PDCA cycle
Customer/Internal Audit
Production plan
Line Balance,UPH control
Inventory, Shipping
4M Management
Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook
Management & Analysis
Technical Drawing Reading

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Hải Phòng